Thursday, March 5, 2009


Baby monitors aren't only good for hearing your baby's cries but they are excellent at listening in on neighbors! The other night I could hear music playing somewhere in my house but could not for the life of me figure out where it was coming from... until this morning when I put Cam down for his nap and suddenly could very clearly hear a woman's voice through his baby monitor. Of course I jumped to action and ran to his room only to discover that no one was there... but the woman's voice was loud and clear. This mystery woman was busy talking to her baby and having conversations with her husband about a bill and talking on the phone about how cute her daughter was going to look in some adorable outfit. I know all of this information because somehow my baby monitor no longer monitors my baby but now monitors some other home in my neighborhood. No... I have not figured out who's home I am now lucky enough to listen in on but am patiently gathering context clues from their conversations to find them! I am secretly wishing though that my secret family was more exciting... and that I could catch them doing something illegal and be the hero of my subdivision. Now I am left wondering if someone is listening in on my family... kinda creepy.


djomitch said...

how crazy! good luck on your detective work. i wonder what people heard from MY baby monitor!


That is too funny! You have to keep us informed on what you find out...

Soggy in Seattle said...

Spooky! I've heard other conversations on the phone before, but not on the baby monitor! I can't wait to find out who it is!