Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring has arrived...

along with warm weather and wild winds... which has not stopped some of us from getting outside and enjoying the new season...

Colt and his friends played a little Star Wars... even though they spent half an hour discussing who was going to be what character, at what age, in which episode... We attempted to fly kites... they wind over took our sorry little Wal-Mart kites...
and Cam learned how to climb stairs and slide... I was sooo excited about that!

My spring decor... must have nests and eggs...



Soggy in Seattle said...

I love spring & Easter! Your boys are so cute & are growing so fast. Good job Cam for climbing & sliding, I bet he was proud too! I'm glad you had your camera to capture it!

dani and fam said...

yay spring! CUTE boys.

Aurelia said...

love this post
also the new seasonal look of blog

Marnie said...

Bethany! I saw your comment on my blog. Your boys are so cute. I see Dani's comment on here also, funny.

You look great and it was fun reading your blog to catch up on your family. Say hi to your parents. I wonder if they still live on Tattenham Corners. I was sorting through a box of high school memorabilia a few months ago and I found a copy of the Tattenham Corners Rule book we typed up in like junior high. We were such brats back then.