Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Colton's Baptism...

Colton was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 25th, 2009. He was very happy and excited for this day and it turned out wonderful.

Colt and Grandpa and the fiery dart of Satan.


Kurt and Kristy said...

What a special day! Glad we could be a part of it!

larshannon said...

Congrats Colton.

Oh, the fiery dart is much talked about around these parts. My kids are infatuated by the idea.

Marnie said...

I've never heard of the fiery dart of Satan. It sounds pretty convincing, whatever it is.

Congratulations on being eight. To Colton, that is. I can't believe we're old enough to have an 8-year-old. Where did all the time go? Remember my little sister Amanda. The one we taught to count to two on her fingers? She just turned 20 yesterday. I can't believe it.

By the way, I know I already said this another comment, but you look great!

Marnie said...

By the way, your husband looks so familiar to me. Is he from Midland? I swear I know him. I probably don't. I always think people look familiar to me and then it turns out that I've never met or seen them.

dani and fam said...

what a special post! congrats to him and to his wonderful parents.


Ok so you should put a nasty friend comment on FB about me! Why did I not know about this???? I would not have been able to be there, due to Ashlyn's birthday but sheesh woman!!! I am glad it was nice and he looks so happy! Good Job Mom!

Cant wait to see you soon!!!