Monday, September 28, 2009

Chef Colton...

I picked up this book for Colt after watching Paula Deen on the view and just falling in love with her... she is soooo country...this book is one of the best childrens cookbooks I've seen... she has included "real" dinner and dessert recipes with pictures and easy instructions... not just how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...
so tonight Colt made sloppy joes for us all by himself for dinner...


Kurt and Kristy said...

How cool! Way to go Colt! I am looking forward to the day when Kylie can help make dinner!

Mel said...

I bet that IS a good cookbook. I"ll have to keep that one in mind for the future.

Tonya said...

Wow! That is one handy skill to have! Sounds like that cookbook was well worth it! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I am totally blog stalking, but I saw your post...anyway, my 4 year old, Addie loves this book! She loves to cook. Her favorite from this book were the donuts! This is kate shannon..we were in lubbock 3 ward long ago...

Kat Curtis said...

Go Colton! Way to make dinner! :) I love Paula Deen - I'm a Food Network junkie when I go to the gym. I'll have to check out that book.