Friday, September 25, 2009


Our local mall candy store challenges young shoppers to a "Fear Factor" stunt by eating a dead cricket in the store. The stunt also comes along with a reward - their mugshot stuck to the wall next to all the other insect eaters in the mall. Colton has been talking about trying out the challenge for a few months now and finally gave in today - his cricket of choice was the sour cream and onion flavored cricket. After asking a million questions about the entire stunt, he finally crunched down on the flavored snack in front of a few fellow shoppers. He was thrilled to have an audience and described to us how delicious it was as he grabbed for his "real" candy and started chomping it down!
** At Colts soccer game on Saturday I looked down at Cammon as he was finishing a snack he had found in my purse... it was the box of grasshoppers... they were all gone!


Kurt and Kristy said...

That is so gross! But good for Colt!!! Im sure you were one proud mom! I'd like to see you do it! ;)

Anonymous said...

wow i dont know if i could let me kid to that! way to go, mom!!

Anonymous said...

That's gross, sounds like some Harry Potter trick at a candy store..LOl