Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Seven months ago we decided to put our house on the market. Not becuase we had to but becuase we wanted to find something that we would be happier with. We did not feel about our house as we had when we bought it.... we had fallen out of love with it. As people trampled in and out of our house on a daily basis I always wondered what they thought of my family and of me personally... a house says a lot about a person.

I would wonder if they knew that the "Pineapple Citrus" that I had painted the majority of my home was one of my favorite things about this house and that it looked so warm at night and so welcoming during the day...
I would wonder if they knew how great the basement was and that throwing the kids down there and not seeing the mess they made was wonderful...

I would wonder if they knew that it took me over a year to choose the "Ginseng Red" on our bedroom walls (becuase it never takes me that long to choose a color) and that the ceilings were one of the main reasons we liked the room becuase our enromous bed would actually fit...

I would wonder if they knew that they kids bathroom makeover was one of the first projects my hubby and I worked on together... and although there was a lot of screaming and crying we got it done successfully and are so happy with the results...

I would wonder if they knew how fun the backyard was for our kids and how much time we would spend out there in the summer and how much I loved to watch my little garden grow...
I would wonder what they thought of my countertops which are not granite but a much cheaper alternative that I am so happy with...
I would wonder if they appreciated seeing the Temple through the front window as much as we did and that at night, all lit up, it was just beautiful...

I would wonder if they felt as I did the first time I walked into this house and just knew that it was the home for my family and how we had to outbid another buyer to get it...

As I thought about all the wonderful things about this house that other people should be seeing I realized that I was once again in love with my home. I began to see all the wonderful little things that I had been too busy to and could not imagine someone else appreciating this house like I do. Sometimes we get so caught up wishing that we had what so and so does that we miss the really special things that we already have. So we took our house off the market and feel great about it!


Kurt and Kristy said...

Really?? You know now that I think about it, I noticed the sign gone! Im glad I love your house too and you have done so many great things with it!!


YEAH!!! I absolutely adore your house! You have made it your own and that is fantastic to hear your in love with it again! Pineapple citrus is going to be my color if we decide not to move...cuz I want to be like you ;)
One of my favorite things is seeing the Temple through the Living Room window oh and who else has a basement in Texas??? nobody I know!

Sarah Colby said...

I am happy that you are happy. I really like your house and I love how you have made it such an inviting and lovely home.

Anonymous said...

As you explained all the great things about your house, I wondered why you were moving. Enjoy it!! Congrats on being pregnant.

Cox Family said...

I'm so glad you took your house off the market and are sticking around. I've always loved your house and wish we had a basement we could throw the kids down to and their mess!

Christina said...

Congrats on your pregnancy! YES. Hooray for you!

Next time you go see Eric Hutchinson-- CALL ME!

Dayngr said...

Very Nice!

DebbieD said...

This is tender. And great news! Your home is realy SO beautiful. I've been shocked it didn't sell immediatly. I'm happy you're in love with it - you ought to be.