Wednesday, February 24, 2010


While I'm not packing to move (tomorrow, yikes) I'm usually eating and stuffing my face with crap because I'm preggers and I find its a great excuse to eat everything and anything... sooooo
during one of my "walk down the frozen desert aisles in Wal-Mart" moments I discovered this...
at .75 cents I bought two, one for me and one for the hubs... but i ended up drinking both of them cuz they are that good... hooray for totally yummy easy-to-make milkshakes!!!!


Kurt and Kristy said...

Haha! That does sounds good!

Melanie said...

yum...I might have to try that next time. And your new house looks beautiful! Excited for you, but sad too. Glad I found your blog!

Kat Curtis said...

Oooh. That sounds really good. We'll have to try that.

So you're moved already?! Sad day. Let me know if you need anything!

Cox Family said...

Amen! We had them for Family Home Evening treats and all snarfed them down.