Sunday, April 25, 2010


Over Spring Break we packed up and headed to South Korea to enjoy two full weeks of foreign fun and food. Stephens parents are stationed there in the Army and my parents actually lived there in the 70's when my dad was in the army so visiting was personal to both of us. Being in Korea was a completely different experience for us compared to other overseas vacations we have had... we really felt "foreign"!!! The people were overly nice (unlike France) and absolutely LOVED Cammon and couldn't stop touching and taking pictures of him. Not a lot of the people spoke English (and when they did their accent was so strong I still couldn't understand them) so communicating was a challenge everywhere we went. Traveling pregnant with a two year old in tow is not something that I would ever recommend and will probably never do again but I do appreciate the experience of visiting! The food was the best part of the trip for Stephen... he LOVES kimchi (yuck) and even learned how to make it. I had had enough of the food and got miserably sick the night this picture was taken... still can't stomach even looking at Korean food!!!
The fish market in Korea was an incredible place to view exotic sea creatures that actually get eaten... it was like being in an aquarium!!

Koreans love to eat and have extensive side dishes... this was one meal... of course he loved it!

Stephen posing with the DMZ guard... they are in their Tae Kwon Do ready to fight stance...

This is one of the local markets... they can be found in the back alleys and have anything and everything you need or want...
A totally cute Korean character that I just had to meet...

Changing of the guards at one of the temples...

Doing hard labor in the Korean Folk Village...
Posing in China Town in Korea... Cammon was such a trooper everywhere we went.


Kurt and Kristy said...

Yay! I'm so glad you posted pictures! Looks like you had a great time! And Im assuming we wont be having a korean party anytime soon? ;)

Melanie said...

Looks like fun! That would definitely be a culture shock for me! We miss seeing you around!