Thursday, July 29, 2010

One week down...

One week old!
We've made it a whole week! I like to countdown the first 6 weeks in my babies lives because after that my life can resume to normal. We don't leave the house, we don't like lots of visitors and we take the time to really get to know each others personalities and mannerisms. It keeps me sane and allows me an excuse to not have to rush around and get things done... plus I like staying home and just relaxing... it's very refreshing. Cortlynn has turned out to be such a sweet, quiet baby... hardly ever cries. She eats like crazy and never seems full and is very alert at certain times of the day and unfortunately at 11 at night. Cammon has warmed up to her but is finding it very frustrating to have to share mommy with someone else.

Speaking of Cammon...

Here he is with his most favorite things in the whole world... his basketball (and his "Wildcats team shirt"... from High School Musical)! He LOVES basketball and wants to play it and watch it all day. I introduced him to the High School Musical basketball dance scene and it now gets watched or listened to every morning... over and over and over again... until mommy gets really annoyed and makes him turn it off. He has a basketball hoop inside and outside and really works hard at making baskets and dribbling. We think this is going to be his thing... which could be fun since older brother hasn't really shown any big interests in any particular sport.

We are all really excited to see Colton today who is flying in from Dallas where he has been all summer... he will be meeting Cortlynn for the first time... and I am thrilled because he is really happy about having a sister. Hopefully he hasn't changed to much!


Katie said...

What an adorable picture of her!! So precious...

PB'nJ said...

Great pictures of really marvelous and ever-so-cute children! I am looking so forwardf to meeting Cortlynn and seeing all of you - it is hard to wait! Hugs :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! That picture is absolutely adorable, esp. for being only a week old!

dani and fam said...

what beautiful kids!