Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer 2010

Summer has been lazy and uneventful for us... which is exactly how we like it... after moving and going to Korea we have loved staying close to home... Colton has been gone for the summer so Cam has had the advantage of being an only child... at least until little Cortlynn comes...

Cam and I have been traveling back and forth to Midland for "baby midwife" visits quite often and love getting to stop off at Grandmas for fun day visits...

Getting a new house in order takes a lot of frequent visits to Home Depot... we have been going about everyday for just about everything... and this is how we roll...
My dear husband put in new wood floors in the living room all on his own (after the disaster in our old house we chose a much better quality and easier to manage floor)... it looks so good...

We also spent about a month without a master bath as we had it remodeled... yes i am pregnant and knocking all the yucky tile off the walls... pregnancy has not stopped me from completing a lot of projects around the house... it's harder to complete a job but not impossible...

Cam looks forward on Saturday mornings to go garage saleing... he has learned that I am so much more willing to buy toys when they cost next to nothing... and yes he is wearing underwear... potty training was super easy as it was with Colt... I don't know if I have just been blessed to have really easy potty training kids or if I am just awesome at teaching it... love the vacuum that he got for a quarter (can you believe its normally a $40 kids vacuum... that's how much my real working vacuum cost!!!)

And for cuteness only... Cam is in love with Blues Clues (Steve version) and has a notebook and had designated the big armchair as the thinking chair in the TV room until we found this "real Blues Clues thinking chair" on Craigslist... So exciting!!! He adores it...

And as I sit here I am 39 weeks and 2 days preggo waiting to have this little darling girl... can't wait to add her to our little family!


Katie said...

Love the hardwood floors! Stephen did a great job! We need to come and see the new house soon...

PB'nJ said...

The house looks lovely. You really have a knack for turning a house into a home. Looking forward to seeing it in person, not to mention darling Cammon. Still have one set of his fingerprints on the window - as a souvenir of your visit. Am sure Cortlynn will be just as charming!

Marnie said...

Sounds like we've been up to similar things this summer: being pregnant and remodeling our newly purchased homes.

Your hardwood floors are beautiful! Your husband did a great job. We replaced our hardwood floors in our house and it was kinda stressful for me to watch.

Can't wait to see what you name your baby girl. Thanks for your encouragement about little boys. I'm surprisingly nervous to have a boy. All I know is baby girls.