Friday, August 13, 2010

almost over...

Cortlynn had her first bath... I waited until she was over 2 weeks old and had finally lost her loverly newborn smell... now she smells like store bought night time soap and lotion... not as loverly but still sweet... and I love that all my kids have pictures of their first bath in this tub... that means its really old :)

... and does anyone elses 2 year old stand right infront of the TV when watching a movie? so annoying and the TV gets so filthy becuase not only does it get touched but licked and spilled on... and during the whole movie all you can hear is "cammon can you move... move please... MOVE!!!"...
just another lazy summer day...


Cox Family said...

In that picture she looks a lot like your boys. ALL of my kids will stand up from their comfortable seat on the couch and stand right in front of the TV oblivious to what they are actually doing, it drives me crazy!

PB'nJ said...

This is one DARLING girl! Can't wait to see her. Your house looks lovely - looking forward to seeing that, too. Colton looks so grown up all of a sudden, and Cammon looks like he has grown too. Thanls for the blog!