Saturday, August 7, 2010


Stephens new hobby has involved shooting guns... a lot... which is fine with me considering I grew up with animal heads hanging all over the house. So after buying ME a BB gun (pictured above) to shoot the neighbors crazy dog and those pesky Blue Jays he decided it was time for the boys to be involved (about time... Colton is 9). Cammon was so excited to shoot the gun he hardly could contain himself...
Where am I, you ask? I am holding the camera and the little beauty that is now 2 weeks old. She has become one of those babies that doesn't sleep unless your holding her (uuuggghhhh) or should I say one of those babies that has to be held WHEN she sleeps... because she hardly does that during the day. We are adjusting to the little addition and I even attempted taking all three kids to McDonalds for breakfast and after Cammon pooped in his underwear, a chocolate milk dumped all over the floor, Cortlynn decided to have a meltdown, hardly any breakfast was touched and poor Colton got sick to his stomach we left after 20 minutes. That was hard! But I was so proud of myself because I stayed so calm and collected as I dragged everyone out of the restaurant while listening to my 2 year old screaming about poop... so after lecturing Colton about helping me out more (since he is like really old) I decided that I will miss these kinds of days because unfortunately they do grow up :(


Kurt and Kristy said...

Haha! I was going to ask how it's been with all 3! Don't worry it gets better and I'm sure Colt will be a big help!!

Cox Family said...

You have such a great attitude! I know when I've been those situations I'm usually one of those moms everyone stares at and feels sorry for the kids because they have a crazy mom! Luckily with babies their stages are short and work themselves out. I still need to come over and see your new little one. Maybe when school starts.