Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bees Pleeze...

I was so excited when we moved into our house to find out that we had a pear tree in the back yard... I was planning on picking them when they were ripe and enjoying them all winter (pears are Stephens favorite)... but I honestly never could figure out when they were ripe and then they started falling and the next thing I know...

the ground and tree were covered in bees! :( I rake the pears up and more fall and more bees come... it's become very overwhelming. Unfortunately, the pear tree takes up half our yard so playing outside has become harder to do (although Cam and Colt don't seem to think that bees will hurt them and walk right in the middle of them). The bees are so busy gathering nectar that they don't really bother us at all... its just super annoying and something that will happen every year. Pear trees and bees go hand in hand. So now I am looking into sterilizing my tree so it wont produce fruit anymore (which is super sad because I was so happy to have a fruit tree).

And look who is 2 months old already! Hooray... I must say that the first few weeks with this girl were painful, she cried a lot and just seemed very unhappy and Stephen and I were going crazy with all the walking and rocking and patting and shushing... but time works things out and we have finally figured each other out. :) Her hair is still as wild as ever and shes getting more beautiful everyday...

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