Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November...

The fall season has come and Miss Cortlynn is welcoming it in style...
3 months old and enjoying her time in the Great Pumpkin :)

Cammon 10 months old and hating every minute... 2008

Colton 7 months old... 2001

This year for Halloween Colton chose to be Sherlock Holmes, it was a wonderful unique choice. And because Cammon doesn't really have a preference I decided on the fish costume, because it was so cute and bright. They had a full week of Trunk or Treats, trick or treating at the Ranching Heritage Center, activities at the library and school parties.

We chose not to trick or treat on Sunday and didn't bother buying any candy since we didn't think that we would have any kids... turns out our neighborhood gets packed with kids and we were the bums with no candy, so our lights and decorations were off all night... boooo... we are going to be ready for next year!

At the beginning of October we took a week long trip to Utah to see family and enjoy the mountains... we even toured BYU campus (which Stephen practically grew up on) and although we are not Cougars, the boys were gifted with BYU hats and helmets.

We visited with some friends who moved away to Utah...

We spent the majority of our time with Stephens parents who came all the way from Korea...

And Grandpa Tab was so willing to tour Salt Lake with us even though he lives there...

Cammon took a mini basketball camp (which turned out to be really lame) but he loved every second of it... he loves basketball... and here he is with his team shirt and basketball shoes!

Miss Cortlynn turned 3 months and started eating rice cereal... much earlier then my boys but I had a feeling that she was ready and I was right... she loves the stuff and enjoys being fed in the high chair like a big girl.And a quick pic of Cammon enjoying some playtime at the mall with Mom...


PB'nJ said...

LOVE the Halloween costumes! And I love the pumpkin pictures. What a fun tradition. You and Stephen are a good team - it was great to have so much time with all of you. Hugs!

dani and fam said...

Love this post! It made me miss Utah a little! I see that you went to Osaka for dinner...I LOVE OSAKA! We are visiting Utah this spring and can't wait to hit our favorite places. Glad you had fun!