Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Holidays...

Thanksgiving morning - The Family

Cam helping make pies for Thanksgiving dinner. Since we have 5 pecan trees in our yard we had plenty of pecans to make a delicious pecan pie... it was superb! We celebrated with wonderful friends and enjoyed watching football and scanning the Black Friday sale ads. After dinner we enjoyed our annual tradition of going out to the movie - and we all made it through Megamind, very funny!

We finally got out our Christmas tree and decorated it. Cam loved looking at all the ornaments and had such a ball helping put them on.

Enjoying eggnog with the hubby after decorating the tree.

Miss Cortlynn turned 4 months during the holiday break and would not lay still long enough for me to take a decent picture.

This picture is a true representation of her hair on a daily basis... it's crazy and wild and gets many compliments when we are out :)

1 comment:

PB'nJ said...

Stephen loved the pies - said they were delicious. Wish I could have been there to taste for myself. Hugs to all.