Wednesday, April 18, 2012

On the Texas Plains Trail... Museum #3

Texas Tech Museum
Lubbock, Texas
The museum is owned and operated by Texas Tech University. A planetarium is housed inside the museum and is a fun activity and worth a visit. A wing of the museum is dedicated to dinosaurs with an actual triceratops and tyrannosaurus displayed right when you walk in. We spent most of our time in the dinosaur section where other bones and small dioramas are set up. Other rooms include African art, Southwest art, and a section about the history of Lubbock. An interactive globe caught the attention of all of us which turned out to be a highlight of our visit (found in the dinosaur area). The theatre is set up with live footage of space through the Hubble Telescope showing different space features. The exhibit areas in the front are temporary and are constantly changing, one of which is now displaying wedding dresses through the years. A kid friendly museum with dinosaurs, of course, being the favorite display...

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