Thursday, April 19, 2012

On the Texas Plains Trail... Museum #6

The National Ranching Heritage Center
Lubbock, Texas
The Ranching Heritage Center is an outdoor museum displaying real homes and buildings from the early 1900's. This was a great place to visit for the kids since in school we have been studying that time period and learning about families who left it all to try their hand at farming and ranching. Over 43 structures are open and furnished for viewing with an information plaque at each place. The trail could take a whole afternoon but with little ones we spent close to 2 hours. It was very interesting to look at the different ways homes were built and how with time they improved and learned what worked and what did not. A train is also along the trail and was the favorite with the 4 year old... by far one of the better museums to let the kids run and enjoy a little history.

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