Thursday, May 3, 2012

On the Texas Plains Trails... Museum #8

MW Post Art Collection
South Plains College
Levelland, Texas

This was an adventure to actually go to... maybe it was because it was a Friday on a college campus or maybe it was because UIL competitions for the High Schools were in progress, either way we walked all over the place looking for the gallery... definitely not easy to find.  The Fine Arts building was open but shut down, no professors or secretaries, and we had a maintenance man open the gallery for us as we walked around looking at the paintings quite quickly.  The maintenance man told us a few interesting things about the art, how it is cleaned, where it used to be hung and pointed out  details to the kids about some of the pieces.  There was a nude piece in the gallery but Colton has been around enough art to act mature about it, but he did mention that he was not going to take a picture of it!  It was a small gallery but perfect size for little ones to look at and and be on their way.  The campus was very nice so the majority of the afternoon was spent outside looking for caterpillars... which paid off because one was found!

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