Friday, May 18, 2012

United States Navy... newly commissioned Officer

Today was a very special day for our family... Stephen was officially commissioned into the United States Navy... So without further ado...Meet Lieutenant Thompson!  And Chief Fiddler and LT Payne.
Here is our first family picture as a "military family".  Stephen is holding the Officer sword that we presented to him after his ceremony.
Stephen's Step-father is LT COL Colby in the Army stationed in Hawaii at this time... We thought it was really important that he administer the oath of office to Stephen so we performed the ceremony over skype.  (Hence the reason he is talking to a computer!)
At least a year ago, we bought Stephen's Step-father a brick at the Lubbock Area Veteran War memorial and were thrilled to see it finally laid... and in a great location also...
We are very excited and a little nervous about our future... Virginia is a long way away!.. but we know that what we are doing is very important and will be worth it.


Cox Family said...

Congratulations, Stephen. We are excited for you, but we're for sure going to miss you guys. Who is going to love Korean New Years like you guys do? Good luck in the future and keep in touch.

Kat Curtis said...

Wow - congratulations! That is a big deal.

Virginia is beautiful, though, but it is definitely a long way from the Great State. :(

Congratulations again - great adventures are ahead for you guys!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Congrats you guys!! So cool! I'm excited for you guys and your new adventure, but you will be greatly missed! :) You better promise to stay in touch!

Marnie said...

Wow! This is so exciting for you guys. Good luck in Virginia! Your family looks great.

PB'nJ said...

You all look fantastic! We are SO proud of you - a little bit for joining the military but mostly because you are such wonderful people who all work hard to be good citizens and a great family. Congratulations!! We love you!!!