Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012

We packed up the car and headed South...

we went back to our old stompin' grounds and visited the Alamo...

and the real one...
took the boat tour on the River Walk and ate at the famous Mexican restaurant...

Played at SeaWorld and introduced my kids to Shamu...

Tried to visit the Mighty T battleship but it was closed :( ...
(this was going to be a highlight of the trip - very dissapointing)...

but discovered the San Jacinto monument, including a reflecting pool
(are we the only ones who did not know about this place?)...

spent the day at the NASA Space Center Houston ...

drove over a beautiful bridge in La Porte...

 and took in the scenery of Texas on the over 10 hour drive back to Lubbock from Houston.

1 comment:

PB'nJ said...

Welcome Home! How neat to see you visiting places we took Stephen when he was a kid, and even more fun to see new places that I didn't know about. Great to see everyone together and happy. I just have to say that I have the cutest, best grandkids in the whole world!