Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Post

The adorable cute girl in pink trying to pry open her can of soup that she is about to deliver to the food drive box is mine!  The awesome nursery teacher at church brought the cans for the kids and marched them down the hall to the box and let each child drop or throw their can in.  This made us laugh becuase only last week Stephen brought Cortlynn home a can of Dora the Explorer soup which she promptly put into her baby stroller and walked around the house.  At bed time she insisted on taking the can to bed with her and since she pretty much rules the house we gave in and thought no harm to it.  When we checked on her later that night we discovered her and her crib covered in Dora the Explorer soup from the soup can that she managed to open.  At least we know the girl won't starve if something should happen to us.

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