Thursday, July 19, 2012

Letters to the LT

Dear LT Thompson,
It has started getting really hard not talking to you everyday.  The kids and I have been good.  The house is a wreck since I've gone through every closet and drawer and thrown out or given away numerous amounts of our things.  I wonder when and where we got some of the things that I have been finding.  Sorry but I gave the kids your wind up sushi toys, they enjoyed them while they lasted.

Remember when I got the flat tire outside of Big Spring and the two men stopped to help?  I found Colton's survival knife in the glove compartment yesterday and he told me that he put it there when the two men stopped to help just in case he needed it.  I'm proud but also a little scared that he would think a knife and his little body could over come two grown men.  I told him that I have a special 'sixth sense' about people and knew that the men were really good people.

Cortlynn has learned to crawl out of her crib, why did the two boys never bother to figure that out?  I am debating making her crib into a toddler bed or leaving it as is and letting her scale the sides.

Spiderman is now Cammon's super obsession.  I crumbled and bought him a new spiderman doll from Walmart, it cost over $17.  I hate buying new toys that are so overpriced but he loves it.

The man from the moving company came over today and weighed our things.  Of course we are over weight, by about 300 pounds.  I'm trying to decide now what to sell.  It would be better to get rid of a few things then pay for the weight overage.  Don't be surprised when you get to Virginia and not see our scooter or washer and dryer.

I am dog sitting, the dog is actually very well behaved, she's big and has had to get used to my house rules like not roaming around in every room and getting tied up at night.  I love you and miss you and  look forward to seeing you again in the Old Dominion state.  By the way, have you seen their flag?

Love your lucky wife,

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