Monday, July 9, 2012

Off to camp...

The Lieutenant is off to ODS, Officer Development School or Summer Camp (what I call it) for five weeks in Rhode Island!  He called to let me know that he was the "cool" guy there since he is basically the only one with a car and was able to transport people to Wal-Mart and to eat the first day.  (Can you believe he drove to Rhode Island from Texas in two days).  I totally expect him to be taking some weekend road trips to Boston with his new camp buddies when they are allowed off base.  He was very happy to learn that his room mate is a Master Chief and has been in the Navy 19 years, he will be able to learn a lot from him.  He also let me know that he will be out of commission for the week due to rules against cell phone use, which is fine, I want him to keep his head in the game.  Although, we have been apart before because of job distances, this time it felt different as he drove away.  I guess we both know that this is the beginning of a very new adventure for our family, a lot of unknowns and unanswered questions... just the way we like it!

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