Wednesday, August 8, 2012

On the East Coast...

The kids, the dog and the mother-in-law and I are are taking a few days off from our long travels to spend some time on the outer banks in North Carolina...

We are on the water in a beautiful beach house and will be taking our host's boat out in the afternoon.  The kids and dog are happy to be out of the car and I'm happy to relax.

We stopped in Atlanta, GA and visited the aquarium, Cort is holding a dolphin from there - it's a must see place.  

We have driven over 22 hours and only have 2 hours left to go... it was an uneventful trip, other then having to splurge on another set of portable DVD players from Radio Shack after the ones from Wal-Mart broke and can not be returned. 
Instead of cotton fields we saw tobacco, instead of dirt and weeds we saw grass and trees and instead of blazing high heat and sun we have overcast mild temperature... beautiful change of scenery... we might like it here! 


Cox Family said...

It looks beautiful. I'm glad it's been a good uneventful drive.

Kurt and Kristy said...

Glad y'all are getting close! Looks so pretty! Miss you!