Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our beach...

We are still moving in but I took an hour off from unpacking boxes to visit our beach.

 It's about a 5 minute walk from our house, a huge reason why we chose the home we did, and it's a quiet beach unlike the touristy, but beautiful Virginia Beach down the road.  

The kids were excited to see sand and sea again, and although its no Hawaii it will be ours for the next 3 years.

 I absolutely love the beach and find so much peace just sitting on the sand watching the ocean while the kids dig and splash in the water, it is very close to heaven to me.


Havilah said...

Wow! It's beautiful! Can we come visit?!?!

Kurt and Kristy said...

So totally jealous! How nice that it's so close! I have a feeling you'll be spending a lot of time there! ;) Are you going to post pictures of your house once you're all moved in?? :)