Thursday, August 23, 2012


The house that we moved into is very old and extremely outdated, but had some wonderful features that we knew we wanted and needed.  We love the screened in porch that leads into the backyard, which has not only a garden currently growing tomatoes but also a large area for the kids to play in.  Unfortunately, this year has been very wet and you will be eaten alive by mosquitoes so we haven't been able to fully enjoy the outdoors yet.

A few days before we moved in I took down wallpaper and repainted the kitchen.  It is a small eat in kitchen  with metal cabinets - has anyone ever seen metal cabinets in the kitchen?  My mother-in-law and I couldn't believe it, very weird!  I secretly want to paint the cabinets white... they would look great and the kitchen would look so much larger... oh the pity to be renters :)

Keep in mind that we are still moving in and my house definitely does not or should not look this way on a regular basis.  
Don't freak out Mom.

White walls you say?  Yes, but they will be getting a paint job soon.  The wood around all the windows and doors is real and I've been polishing them up and they are starting to look really nice.  And under all that carpet is real wood floors!  If you notice there are baseboard heaters all along the bottom of the walls in each room.  Basically forced air heat is unheard of here and these radiate heat by hot water from the boiler - yes, I have a boiler room too - I call it the creepy room!  Also notice the Texas flag picture that will be hanging above our fireplace - the guys from Mississippi who were moving us in kept commenting on Texans and asked what large Texas paraphernalia we brought with us since every true Texan usually had something Texas on their walls.  It's very strange to be somewhere and hear people talk about Texas like its a foreign land!  

The dining room will also be getting a paint job.  And look at the seriously old swinging door to the kitchen.  In all honesty it's kind of an annoying door that just stays propped open but since this door has been here since the house was built its not going anywhere now.  

The house has four bedrooms and I am so excited to now have a school room.  Can you believe all of this stuff is school related?  Blame it on many years of school teaching and now homeschooling - the kids are really excited to get in here and play with all the school education toys.
 Ok, this is the bathroom - enough said.

To the upstairs...

the small room area at the top of the stairs - or the library if you want to get fancy.

 and can you say cabin fever?  It is very hard decorating a little girls room with all this wood going on but Cammon's room is so large it fits two queen beds and looks and feels very cozy.  The rooms have built in shelves and drawers and lights, and I'm assuming this home was top of the line when it was built in the 50's.

Our TV room is the addition on the back of the house but is covered in wood paneling and well, just to plain depressing to show.  The hubby keeps reminding me that we are not good at renting, we look at things and talk about how to change it or improve it but since it's not our house we can't do anything about it. 

The neighbors are wonderful and very friendly and the area is beautiful and meets all of our needs and we are very pleased with our choice.  But, I have not been able to find a Sonic close to me yet and trash only gets picked up once a week from our one personal trash container provided by the city and we are expected to recycle, whaaat?  I really miss dumpsters, is that weird? 


Cox Family said...

It looks great! I know how much you like to fix things up, the people your renting from would be smart to let you do some of the things because you did some amazing work on your house here in Lubbock.

Laura Donaldson said...

Ha ha! Don't you wish you'd taken a few pointers from me on recycling now? hehehe. You'll get used to it. AND it's good for you (and the rest of us, eh?)
And those cabinets in your kitchen don't look metal at all. They look wooden... But... Are they metal? Strange.
Miss you! Good to see your faces and your beautiful new place!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Thanks for posting pics! It looks really nice and well taken care of! I'm sure in no time you'll find a way to make it your own!