Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It rains a lot in Virginia so building spaceships indoors is a must... using a few of the hundreds of boxes still taking up space in my garage, Cam and I checked going to the moon off our bucket list.

Since we live so close to the ocean, it takes us quite a long time to travel inland for things like the soccer team we signed Cam up for - base doesn't start soccer until age 5.  Because of their age they don't have practices and just show up on Saturdays to play about a 10 minute game... points are not kept.  This is actually perfect for us, I am not a fan of taking sports to serious at 4 but traveling over 20 minutes there for a 10 minute game makes me wonder what I was thinking! :)

School and potty training has started at our house... Cort loves to be naked, she is usually that way when the LT gets home in the evening but I try to keep a few articles of clothes on her during the day!

The LT is loving his training... lately he has been driving Humvees and shooting guns.  I spent three days in a class offered on base learning everything I could about the Navy.  It has been a huge adjustment learning  military language, understanding command structures and having to keep track of my ID card, since I need it for almost everything.  With all there is to do here we have already stayed quite busy, which will make our short time in Virginia fly by!

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