Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 10: I'm thankful for...

Because sometimes "we're all in the same boat".

Another Navy wife and I recently became acquainted, and after sharing small bits of our lives, it came out that her 8 year old daughter lives many states away with her ex--husband.  It was evident that it was something that she wasn't happy about but that it was for the best.  I told her about my situation with my 11 year old son, which happens to be the exact same and something I also don't like sharing, and we talked about how people judge and assume and don't really "get it".  With tears in her eyes she told me how much better she felt knowing that someone else can understand what she is going through. 
 Yes, I definitely can understand - 
and although I usually like sailing alone sometimes it's really nice to share the boat.

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