Sunday, August 22, 2010


Going to church late in the afternoon means we get to spend our whole morning in our pjs playing... makes for a perfectly relaxing, lazy day... nothing ever gets done...

...and after seeing this picture I have become aware of how much damage I did to myself while pregnant with my little beauty queen...
I have a lot of work to do :)

One Month Old


dani and fam said...

i love your posts! i get on once in a while and read a whole bunch at a time. So glad you are doing well! Someday we'll make it to Texas and I'll have to visit :)

Katie said...

You look great Bethany!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Wow Im impressed you're already going to church! ;) And I didn't know you cut your hair! Love it!

larshannon said...

The one month picture of your "beauty queen" is adorable.