Friday, June 8, 2012

Home Sweet Home... Don't leave home without it...

We are moving to Virginia and have decided to rent... 
this is new territory to us and we were very overwhelmed with the thought of living in a home that isn't ours, paying for a home that we will never own, and fixing up a home to fit our needs that will not benefit us in the long run... but our main criteria was to be near the beach, within walking distance in a home large enough to fit all our stuff.  We found the house that just felt like ours, it is very old and is very big and very near a beach, about 3 blocks away.  
The house above is going to be our new home in Virginia, the house below is our home now in Lubbock, which is very old and very big but not so near the beach... wow, couldn't have planned it better myself!


Cox Family said...

Good job picking a home, it does look just like your home here. It's good to know you'll have lots of space so we can bring the whole family and visit!

Bethany Thompson said...

You are always welcome to visit!

Kurt and Kristy said...

Looks great! Do you guys plan on renting the whole time you're there? Still can't believ you're leaving!