Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's only just begun...

Today I got to use my power of attorney, apparently my new best friend as a military wife.  I was getting a lost title for our scooter and the DMV employee told me "that my husband must really trust me to have one of those", because with it I can do a lot of things without him, a lot of really important things - and I don't even have to ask. :)  I wanted to tell her that he sure does trust me - he trust me enough to leave me for weeks with three kids - to sell our home - to pack up and load an 18 wheeler with our entire house - to drive across the country with kids and a dog to places I've never been - to take care of finances and bills on the home front - to make sure all paperwork and forms are completed for him and for us -to get into and pay for our new home - all without him. 

Before he left I was a complete emotional mess because of all the responsibility I felt I was going to have to take on with his departure.  As he drove off for officer development "camp" (ODS) I stood on my front porch and took 5 minutes and cried - then I put my big girl panties on and  got a Diet Dr.Pepper.  (My mom has always told me when things got tough to take 5 minutes to cry and then go get a Diet Coke - I prefer the Dr.)   It is going to be a very stressful next few weeks as I learn more about the Navy and its lingo and learn how to cope without someone else to take some responsibility and to help make decisions.  

Joshua 1:9 
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.


Kurt and Kristy said...

Wow! That does sound stressful! If you want the kids to come over and play so you can get some packing done I know my kids would love to spend some time with them before ya'll leave! But I know if anyone can handle it you can! You are superwoman!Seriously though let me knowing there is anything I can do to help!

PB'nJ said...

Dear dear Bethany. It is clear that Stephen's trust is well-placed. You are not wasting any time in adapting to your new life! I am looking forward to seeing you and the darling children (best grandchildren EVER). Hang in there - you are doing great!