Sunday, July 15, 2012

Uniforms (finally)!!!

We received our uniforms late because there were too many to hem in time.  Until now we have been doing everything in our PT gear.  This week I have done a great deal of marching, eaten all meals in 15 minutes with no talking or looking around (referred to as skylarking) of course, and every day starts at 0430 (4:30 am).  We have done some PT (physical training) and visited the "rose garden" to build discipline and reinforce the need to follow orders ( the "rose garden" is a big sand pit where we "play").  So far I am mostly enjoying myself... More to come, but personal communication is still limited, so I don't know exactly when.

1 comment:

PB'nJ said...

You look good!! Strange to see you in uniform, but I am getting used to the idea. Love-your Proud Navy Mom :-)