Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The weekend...

I made a run to Home Depot to gather some materials to cover this floor... I thought I would be able to live with it for the next few years - but I can't.  I purchased the cheapest flooring and using a glue gun made a semi-permanent solution that already calms me down a little.  The cheapest flooring is definitely not the prettiest  but what a huge difference it made...

Then we hopped into my new car to take a little break. 
If anyone knows the LT, you know this is a HUGE deal!  Not only did he buy it on his own - he actually wrote the check, I was not there, he also bought it NEW.  Of course he hasn't really slept well for the past few nights and he is having major buyers remorse, but he knows that I love it, and lets face it, I deserve it!

We visited Colonial Williamsburg, and because we had the kids we planned on not buying tickets just to see what it was all about.  It's boring without tickets and the kids would be bored with tickets so we will have to come back when the kids are not in tow.

This is a typical drive to just about anywhere in this area of Virginia.  

After Williamsburg we made our way to the Jamestown Settlement.  It's a national park but there is also a Historical Jamestown park set up much like Colonial Williamsburg with period time characters and reenactments.

Cammon wanted to know who this was a statue of, so after describing to him all about Sacagawea (and wondering to myself why the park would have a statue of Sacagawea in the Jamestown Settlement) the LT kindly reminded me that it was Pocahontas, which made more sense.  He also recommended that we rent the Disney movie just to catch me up on some history.

The Captain John Smith.

There is so much more to see in the state and so many close really great places that I can't wait to visit.


Cox Family said...

Your new car is awesome. You do deserve it. Virginia looks so beautiful and so much to see. We're planning a trip to come visit, maybe next summer......

Kurt and Kristy said...

Nice car!! Did y'all get rid of your van? It really is beautiful back there! I told Kurt I would really like to live out there! ;) Maybe someday!