Tuesday, October 2, 2012

We found Asia...

Monday night the LT treated the kids and I to dinner and shopping at the Asian mart in our city.  While in Texas, the LT frequented a Korean mart - the owner knew him by name (probably because he was the only white person ever in the store) so finding a new Asian mart was a must here!  This Asian mart though is like a Wal-Mart with a small restaurant.  See the Asians in the background - if they are eating then you know it's a pretty authentic place.  Cort dived right into the kimchee and the pickled radishes - and was loving it!  UGGHHH!
Cam in the Asian mart - using chopsticks like Ninja swords - Power Rangers is a huge obsession here - so much so that he has resorted to watching Asian versions of Power Rangers on youtube.
My first attempt at decorating molded rice balls for the kids - I make Bento style lunches for the little ones on Friday for school with our home school group but am trying to get more into the Asian style of Bento food using more rice and cute cut out veggies - I bought the LT an awesome new rice maker for his b-day tomorrow - awesome because it was awesomely expensive and made in awesome Japan - he is going to be so excited :)

 I finally dragged the LT to the beach - yes, two months here and he finally came.  He doesn't understand why I love it there so much - he's not a beach person.  He gets Friday and Monday off for Columbus Day - he's had more days off in the time we have been here then in our whole marriage - planning for a fun weekend together! :)

BTW, the kids did get their shots finally after I took them into the medical clinic on base.  Thank you Hospital Corpsman for not caring that Cort was 18 months behind on her shots and for not bothering me with lectures on "the immunizations law" and actually praising me for my parenting skills - you rocked!

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