Monday, September 24, 2012

Our weekend in review...

Our weekend started off by me doing the one thing I despise and taking my children to the doctor for some much needed updates on their shots.  I'm not lazy or irresponsible I just don't see a reason to flood my little kids systems with immunizations when they spend the majority of their day at home.  I also really don't like going to the doctor, to watch my kids get looked over and touched by a stranger who ask them to do things like hop and walk across the room or draw a square and pee in a cup.  The doctor at the office must  of assumed that I was one of those mothers who are against shots, although the only reason I was there was to simply get the shots, because she gave me "shots are the law and if I tried to take them to court I would lose" speech.  I've now been to the office twice and the doctor has still not given them any shots...  well I tried!

So, we went camping with our church ward instead.  The park was beautiful and relaxing.  Trees were everywhere.  We stayed up eating and laughing and playing games.

The kids love being outside and the huge playground in the park helped quite a bit.  

On base, the Purina Incredible Dog Team put on a fun show.   The dogs were wildly entertaining and exciting to watch. 

We ate at a Mexican restaurant in Virginia!?!  Well, we ordered food at the Mexican restaurant but we did not eat.  Our waiter and waitress were Mexican but I'm not sure about the cook... Mexican restaurants are now on our -do not eat- list.

And lastly, at church I was critiqued by a member of our congregation for my ability at leading the music during our service.  She took notes on her program, just so she wouldn't forget anything she needed to tell me.  I apparently, according to her, have a lot to learn... yes, this did not set well with me. :)  

The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are beginning to change and soon it will be my most favorite time of the year.  I am definitely looking forward to autumn in VA.


Kurt and Kristy said...

Sorry to hear about the shots! And I can't believe that lady said that to you! You were a primary chorister director for crying out loud! And is there really a specific way to lead church music!? I think you're great at it!

larshannon said...

Wish you could have been at the last baptism. I can conduct music in 3/4 and 4/4. After that watch out. Who has 15/16? A member of the congregation conducted in her seat and I tried to follow without laughing at the hilarity of the situation.

That was a much better approach than taking notes on my imperfections :) Hope you live up to her standards. That will be fun every week!